Admire timeless treasures, savor faraway flavors, capture aromas from luscious lands, and trace ancient architecture from distant dominions, all via these true life records of anointed author and dedicated gospel minister, Bishop David M. Hudson. He, along with two travel companions, his beautiful bride, Brenda, and the Lord Jesus Christ, have experienced adventures that await you in these powerful pages. Accept the challenge. Step onto a path of journeys!
Category: Historical
Scapegoat: The Persecuted Jew
After millennia of hatred and prejudice, recent evidence shows a clever twist in the perpetuation of evil; a new “face” has been donned by those striving against their fellow man. Eye-opening and shocking, this needful book is now more pertinent than ever. Dr. Shaw illuminates the history, causes, and remedies for the societal cancer known as anti-Semitism. No matter where on the spectrum you are, whether expert or newcomer, you will be blessed, educated, and inspired by this groundbreaking tome. Society owes a debt of gratitude to Dr. Shaw for this excellent work.
Note: This is a newly revised, updated edition that includes a new chapter not previously published.
This book is part of the Winners Ministry library of resources. For event booking, orders, or more information, visit: or email Dr. Wesley G. Shaw at:
The Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole
More people received the baptism of Holy Ghost under Billy Cole’s ministry than any other preacher or minister in the entire history of the Church. In the introduction, he recounts when God gave him faith to raise a woman from the dead, and how it happened. Billy Cole was one of the greatest men of God to live on this earth from the time of the Book of Acts until now. He was a chosen vessel of God, filled with faith, and mightily anointed. God used him to do amazing miracles. You will not be able to put this book down!