The Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole

By W.H. "Billy" Cole   Shirley Cole   Doug Joseph   LaDonna Joseph  

Cover: The Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole

Number of Pages: 256

Number of Illustrations: Has over 90 photos!

Publication Date: July 23, 2007

Editions / Sourcing

Paperback at — ISBN: 9781419672484 — List: $19.95 Sale: $14.93Shop now.

Kindle Edition — ID: B002V1H27K — List: $19.95 Sale: $4.49Shop now.

Paperback at — ISBN: 9781419672484 — List: $19.95 Sale: $17.96Shop now.

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Editorial Reviews

Cover "Goliath’s Sword"

“It’s hard to know exactly what to say about my friends, Billy and Shirley Cole. I feel very confident that no other man and his wife have made any more impact on world evangelism in our day than these two unique individuals. As it was said of Goliath’s sword, so can it be said of this dynamic duo of divine destiny—there is none like them. I have never encountered a man and woman whose most magnificent obsession exceeded this couple’s commitment to salvation for the regions beyond. While most of the time Billy traveled and Shirley stayed home, the burden of reaching the lost is a shared one. Only eternity will measure what this one man and this one woman have accomplished in their lifetimes for the Kingdom of God. Thousands, even millions, will rise to call them both blessed.”
— T. F. Tenney
Noted author, speaker, and former Louisiana District Superintendent, UPCI

Cover "Groundbreaking Ministry"

“Billy and Shirley Cole have ministered prophetically and powerfully among Oneness Apostolics for more than a half century. Their groundbreaking ministry ushered our fellowship into an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Ghost both here in North America and around the world. On many occasions and in many nations God has used them to break centuries-old spiritual strongholds and bring revival to virgin territories. Read and tap into vital aspects of their unique & anointed ministry.”
— Jack Cunningham
Noted author, speaker, and Virginia District Superintendent, UPCI

Cover "Excited!"

“We love Brother and Sister Cole, and we are so glad this book has been done. I’m very excited about this book!”
— Joy Haney
Noted author, speaker, and former First Lady of the United Pentecostal Church International


More people received the baptism of Holy Ghost under Billy Cole’s ministry than any other preacher or minister in the entire history of the Church. In the introduction, he recounts when God gave him faith to raise a woman from the dead, and how it happened. Billy Cole was one of the greatest men of God to live on this earth from the time of the Book of Acts until now. He was a chosen vessel of God, filled with faith, and mightily anointed. God used him to do amazing miracles. You will not be able to put this book down!

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Doug Joseph is a Christian husband, father, pastor, teacher, and author. Doug, his wife, LaDonna, and their family of four children enjoy living in beautiful West Virginia, which has the best curves in the world for motorcycling with friends, and Doug has been known to go white-water rafting in the world-class rapids of the Mountain State. He has authored both fiction & nonfiction. His nonfiction works include "The Life & Ministry of Billy & Shirley Cole" (2007), an official memoir of two great heroes of the faith, and "The Book of Salvation" (2010), a soulwinning tool made for bikers. His works of fiction comprise the ongoing "Skyport Chronicles" (formerly published under the name "Millennial Teleport" series) consisting of "New Immortal" (2009/2013), "Tesseract" (2010/2013), and "The Last Bye" (2011/2013). He is currently writing the fourth installment in the series. Doug is also the radio host for "Voice of Truth," which is heard weekly across north-central West Virginia on News-Talk WAJR, 103.3 FM. He blogs at

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    Reader Reviews

     Right out of the Book of Acts!

    By Stephen P. Sparks (USA)

    Great book! I saw Brother Billy Cole years ago, and I was blessed to see the miracles that took place in his ministry. He preached a simple message out of the Book of Acts, chapter 2, and the Spirit of God fell. Many were filled with the Holy Ghost! I couldn't put this book down, and was so blessed by it. You will see what the church has gotten away from. After reading this book, in my own thoughts and in my spirit I would consider Brother Billy Cole a modern-day apostle. You will be blessed by this book!


    By Anita Shamblin (USA)

    This book has increased my faith tremendously! It gives you a look at what the early missionaries went through to make the way for us today! And the faith that they had was incredible! It just makes me want to do more for the Kingdom of God. TRULY A MUST READ FOR ANY CHRISTIAN!! God bless, and enjoy the book!

     Fantastic BOOK!

    By Brenda Lee (Singapore)

    I loved this book SOOO much! I'm so glad I bought it!The Coles have been truly inspirational... after reading it, I got up and questioned my life's endeavors... But God really helped me put things into perspective after being imparted to, through the wisdom of Bro Cole.

     Faith Restoring Book

    By Adam Thomas (Virginia Beach, VA, USA)

    It's been a while since I've bought a book that I felt compelled to read cover to cover. This book is one of those books, and I could not put it down! I had the distinct pleasure of being present in one of Billy Cole's last services that he preached before he passed away. My pastor, Brother Jack Cunningham, had Brother Cole at his church in Chesapeake, VA. The service that night was no less than phenomenal.I recently learned about the Life and Ministry of Billy and Shirley Cole book online and decided to purchase it. The introductory chapter describes an account where Brother Cole, through the power of Jesus Christ, raised a dead woman. What an intro! The chapters that follow are an account of Brother Cole and his wife, Shirley, as they ministered around the globe.It was amazing to read how God's plan for Brother Cole's ministry unfolded and how closed doors swung wide open by the faith and prayers of this man and his wife. I found myself eager to read on as I completed each chapter of this fine book. Faith began to build in my heart as I read how God protected Brother Cole and his family time and time again. Demonic spirits, cobras, and terminal diseases could not derail God's plan for Brother Cole and for his family's ministry.I have been forever impacted by the testimony of this Christian man and his family. Since I have finished reading this book I have gained a renewed desire to draw closer to Jesus and to experience the fullness of the Holy Ghost. New Testament miracles can and do happen in modern times. The path to revival takes sacrifice, and this book gives a small glimpse at the type of sacrifice that is required for true revival to fill the hearts of worshipers.I can't recommend this book enough. You will be blessed and filled with faith.

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